Study Nature, Love Nature, Stay close to Nature... It will never fail you. - Frank Lloyd Wright

The Design Process

We were asked to come up with a few process diagrams the other day in studio.. Here is a process i found whilst browsing the world wide web. It's the design process and I actually laughed a little bit to myself after looking at it.
Very accurate.
Just sharing.

Crane Park Island Nature Reserve

After about an hour of wandering around the right site, on the wrong path, we finally found the correct island. For our first brief project, we were divided into groups (more of an ice breaker between the Landscape levels in my opinion, but still a good brain teaser) to come up with a landscape concept/design inspired by a single object that was different for each group. We ended up with a lousy cotton bud. After deep brainstorming sessions, and a thorough breakdown of the cotton bud, we designed a pathway waterscape that celebrates the site with arranged seating and viewing points (which were non existent before). Cotton sheets delicately hang from the trees lit up by floor projectors to keep you on the right path.

Sunset Horizons

After a much anticipated wait through rain, sleet, and snow.. my journey back to Lebanon for summer finally arrived. After growing up, and spending the majority of one's life under intense heat, and bright sun, it is not appreciated until it has been snatched away from you, only to be replaced by dropping temperatures, cold stinging winds, and crappy transport. Let there be light!