Study Nature, Love Nature, Stay close to Nature... It will never fail you. - Frank Lloyd Wright

Lightsails at Millstaeter lake - Austria

Millstaetter Lake in Austria has a latest new attraction- the Lightsails. Designed by Söhne & Partner Architekten in collaboration with Karl Sodek, they are more like illuminators (quite easy on the eye) as well as acting as light direction for visitors on the lake. They generate power from the lake itself. It is an interactive illuminator, that reacts to its surroundings. The more people visiting the lake, the more light is created from the vibrations. They are also temperature sensitive, changing colour between cool and warm colours. Since the energy of the lake is trapped, converted and reflected as light the sails work as a transmitter and receiver at the same..

Eco Friendly Bus Shelters

A couple of innovative ideas to brighten up the streets. Green roofing bus stop shelters, and creating bus shelters out of old recycled bus parts, that otherwise would be left to rot and decay.

Patrick Dougherty

Some of Patrick Dougherty's twig sculptures, made out of nothing more than a bundle of stick and some air. Quite inspirational for my Camley Project, as they create alot of the 'flow' effect.
I love it how they just seem to fit in to their surroundings, as if they have been there the whole time. He calls them Spin-offs and Trailheads. Perfect for habitat creation..

Profile - Isamu Noguchi

I was looking for some inspiration using light and shade as a concept design and was directed towards Isamu Noguchi (Thanks Leo). Japanese/American designer who has accomplished much, and left his trademark design around the world, most of them found in New York.

Alot of his sculptures and designs contain the wow factor, that somehow seem to immobilize you for moments that dont seem like moments at all. One just cant help pondering how he came up with them, and the methods used to manifest them into reality.

That Fresh Cut Grassy... Feel

Now you can wake up to that lovely fresh cut grass smell (if you really are a green enthusiast), as well as that fresh cut grass feel at your feet.. brought to us by the donut company we all love.. Krispy Kreme.

I wonder how they work though... if you can replant the soil and grass to grow your own slips.. or buy a new pair every couple of days after constant abuse.

I'd still get myself a pair though.