Study Nature, Love Nature, Stay close to Nature... It will never fail you. - Frank Lloyd Wright

Focus Week - Knollmead Permaculture Visit

An early wake up call, but was worth the wait. Very discreet, but has the potential to be a childs wonderland. It already is a pleasant experience, but still requires alot of work.

It feels like a journey in nature, full of archways and hideouts that respects the flow of nature and seems to work with it rather than against it.

Lego Architecture

Came across a few of these and was very impressed. Actually thought about buying a couple and working on them, but to use for plans and models in existing projects.. its a shame they dont have student discount.

Camley Street Nature Reserve

After being introduced to Natural Parks and Nature reserves in the first, ice breaker project, we were then introduced to Camley Street, just hidden off Kings Cross and the Euro star rail. Not the ideal place for a place for peace, nature and wildlife preservation, however it seems to work in its own way.

A very tranquil experience, apart from some areas that require some management, and the noise pollution every few minutes.. The entrance/access point is also slightly confusing to find, and inconvenient for possible visitors across the river.. but I suppose that is what creates the mystery and keeps it secluded in a very busy central point of commotion.