Study Nature, Love Nature, Stay close to Nature... It will never fail you. - Frank Lloyd Wright

Graffiti in Barca

I love the idea of Graffiti, to some people it is an artistic passion, freedom of speech, a means of self expression, and to others it is seen as a crime, vandalism, and destruction of property. Terrorists or Freedom fighters.. You decide.

We are all aware of Banksy and the questions he raises by simply stencilling controversial topics and intelligent comparisons, but each graffiti artist has a different intention in mind, whether it be getting the truth out for the world to see, or simply being artistic.

The streets and alleyways of Barcelona were full of graffiti, and they all seemed to fit perfectly in the place they were. They had been worked to work with their surroundings, and added a certain personality.

One of the things that led me to the conclusion of Barcelona having achieved its equilibrium.

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