Study Nature, Love Nature, Stay close to Nature... It will never fail you. - Frank Lloyd Wright

Lecture 2 - Sam Johnston - Gustafson Porter

Sam Johnston's lecture was more focused on modern day detailing, and re instating the importance of detail, and the skill to pay attention, and be accurate and efficient when it comes to detail.

Pedant/Pedantry/Pedantric - From Italian Pedante - Teacher or Supervisor.

We need to question detail in real life, and Sam showed us how this was mimicked and recreated in designs and detail. What is there? Who does it consist of? Why? How do they interact?
These are all questions we need to ask ourselves when just beginning to enter the state of mind to analyze detail.

"There is a history and cultural understanding beneath parks that creates a collective memory in the mnd" - Sam Johnston

Sam also introduced us to detail within ourselves, and how we as beings interact with details using our senses.

Sight/Sound - Objects/Colours/Light/Symmetry/Patterns/Noises/vibrations
Smell - Fragrances - Memories - Brain impulses
Vegetation - Soil Preferences - Flowering times
Touch - Feel
Texture - Insulation - Wiring/Piping

Sam enlightened us on the machinery that was required to sculpt and carve the Diana Memorial - which used CNC technology, that can carve 3d into stone.

We then moved onto detailing with water, and how important it is to keep membranes intact for no mistakes, and revision of detailing. How surface tension can keep water/liquid flowing over curves and keep it stuck to the surface of the tile.
Types of Water management - UV. Filter / Chlorine tablets.

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