Study Nature, Love Nature, Stay close to Nature... It will never fail you. - Frank Lloyd Wright

Detail Lectures - ARUP and Capita Lovejoy

Continuing with the lectures on detailing, technical drawings, and design specifics, Matthew Ridson and Mark Job from ARUP and Martin Kelly, managing director of Capita Lovejoy were also at hand to deliver inspiring talks.

Most of the presentation was about preserving nature and wildlife, and the ecosystem that is also our home needs to learn to be shared and used efficiently rather than taken for granted. To be more specific, habitat creation and edge detailing.
-Mosaic habitats (Value for money when there is more habitat creation)
Drought and flooding preventions or precautions, and designing with the nature, that works alongside it. Flood able walkways for example, float able habitats.
Silt found in the soil containing oil (asbestos) could help with pond creation, or creating waterside interactive features.

Martin showed us some of the work, specifics, and details of projects they have worked on previously such as the Hyatt regency hotel in Egypt, multiple projects in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, Disneyland Paris, and other familiar spaces such as Cardinal place and Sheldon Place.

Martin also touched upon Green infrastructure, Rural and Urban areas, Terrafirma, Green walls and roofs, which will eventually lead to urban greening, a cooler temperature, and at some point, global shade that can be controlled to our needs.

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